我们可以通过扩展 Java 中的 RuntimeException 来创建自定义未检查异常。
未检查异常继承自Error类或RuntimeException类。许多程序员认为我们无法在程序中处理这些异常,因为它们代表了程序运行时无法恢复的错误类型。引发未经检查的异常时,通常是由于滥用代码、传递 null或其他不正确的参数引起的。
语法public class MyCustomException extends RuntimeException { public MyCustomException(String message) { super(message); } }
自定义未检查异常的实现几乎与 Java 中的已检查异常类似。唯一的区别是未经检查的异常必须扩展 RuntimeException 而不是 Exception。
public class CustomUncheckedException extends RuntimeException { /* * Required when we want to add a custom message when throwing the exception * as throw new CustomUncheckedException(" Custom Unchecked Exception "); */ public CustomUncheckedException(String message) { // calling super invokes the constructors of all super classes // which helps to create the complete stacktrace. super(message); } /* * Required when we want to wrap the exception generated inside the catch block and rethrow it * as catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { * throw new CustomUncheckedException(e); * } */ public CustomUncheckedException(Throwable cause) { // call appropriate parent constructor super(cause); } /* * Required when we want both the above * as catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { * throw new CustomUncheckedException(e, "File not found"); * } */ public CustomUncheckedException(String message, Throwable throwable) { // call appropriate parent constructor super(message, throwable); } }