闭包 - JavaScript 挑战
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/** * @return {function} */ function createhelloworld() { return function (...args) { return "hello world"; }; } // usage example const output = createhelloworld(); console.log(output()); // => "hello world"
/** * @param {...any} args * @return {function | number} */ function add(...args) { let sum = args.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); function inneradd(...moreargs) { sum += moreargs.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); return inneradd; } inneradd.getvalue = function () { return sum; }; return inneradd; } // usage example console.log(add(1).getvalue()); // => 1 console.log(add(1)(2).getvalue()); // => 3 console.log(add(1)(2)(3).getvalue()); // => 6 console.log(add(1)(2, 3).getvalue()); // => 6 console.log(add(1, 2)(3).getvalue()); // => 6 console.log(add(1, 2, 3).getvalue()); // => 6
/** * @param {number} num */ function sum(num) { const func = function (num2) { return num2 ? sum(num + num2) : num; }; func.valueof = () => num; return func; } // usage example const sum1 = sum(1); console.log(sum1(2) == 3); // => true console.log(sum1(3) == 4); // => true console.log(sum(1)(2)(3) == 6); // => true console.log(sum(5)(-1)(2) == 6); // => true
/** * @param {number} initialvalue * @return {function} */ function makecounter(initialvalue = 0) { let count = initialvalue - 1; return function (...args) { count += 1; return count; }; } // usage example const counter = makecounter(0); console.log(counter()); // => 0 console.log(counter()); // => 1 console.log(counter()); // => 2 //------------------------------ // return an object /** * @param {number} initialvalue * @return {{get: function, increment: function, decrement: function, reset: function }} */ function makecounter(initialvalue = 0) { let count = initialvalue; return { get: () => count, increment: () => ++count, decrement: () => --count, reset: () => (count = initialvalue), }; } // usage example const counterobj = makecounter(0); console.log(counterobj.get()); // => 0 counterobj.increment(); console.log(counterobj.get()); // => 1 counterobj.decrement(); counterobj.reset(); console.log(counterobj.get()); // => 0
/** * @template t * @param {...t} values * @returns () => t */ function cycle(...values) { let index = -1; return function (...args) { index = (index + 1) % values.length; return values[index]; }; } // usage example const hellofn = cycle("hello"); console.log(hellofn()); // => "hello" console.log(hellofn()); // => "hello" const onofffn = cycle("on", "off"); console.log(onofffn()); // => "on" console.log(onofffn()); // => "off" console.log(onofffn()); // => "on"
/** * @param {function} func * @param {number} count * @return {function} */ function limit(fn, max) { let count = 0; let value; return function (...args) { if (count < max) { value = fn.call(this, ...args); count++; } return value; }; } // usage example let i = 1; function incrementby(value) { i += value; return i; } const incrementbyatmostthrice = limit(incrementby, 3); console.log(incrementbyatmostthrice(2)); // i is now 3; the function returns 3. console.log(incrementbyatmostthrice(3)); // i is now 6; the function returns 6. console.log(incrementbyatmostthrice(4)); // i is now 10; the function returns 10. console.log(incrementbyatmostthrice(5)); // i is still 10 as this is the 4th invocation; the function returns 10 as it's the result of the last invocation. i = 4; console.log(incrementbyatmostthrice(2)); // i is still 4 as it is not modified. the function still returns 10.
/** * @param {function} fn * @return {function} */ function once(fn) { let ranonce = false; let value; return function (...args) { if (!ranonce) { value = fn.call(this, ...args); ranonce = true; } return value; }; } // usage example function func(num) { return num; } const onced = once(func); console.log(onced(1)); // => 1, func called with 1 console.log(onced(2)); // => 1, even 2 is passed, previous result is returned
/** * @param {any} val * @return {true | Error} */ function expect(val) { return { toBe: function (arg) { if (val === arg) { return true; } else { throw new Error("Not Equal"); } }, notToBe: function (arg) { if (val !== arg) { return true; } else { throw new Error("Equal"); } }, }; } // Usage example expect(5).toBe(5); // Passes expect(5).notToBe(6); // Passes try { expect(5).toBe(6); // Throws an error } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); // Not Equal }
- 148。创建一个计数器对象 - bfe.dev
- 2620。计数器 - leetcode
- 2665。计数器 ii - leetcode
- 2665。计数器 ii - leetcode
- 伟大的前端
- 2667。创建 hello world 函数 - leetcode
- 23。创建 sum() - bfe.dev
- 46。实现 _.once() - bfe.dev
- 2704。生存还是毁灭 - bfe.dev
- 161。 tobe() 或 not.tobe() - bfe.dev
- “你好世界!”程序 - wikipedia.org
以上就是闭包 - JavaScript 挑战的详细内容,更多请关注其它相关文章!